Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm 2 weeks old today

Happy 2 week old to I am in my bouncy chair raising my legs in the air and looking at them.....all that I can do at 2 weeks old...amazing. Yesterday mommy put me on my tummy and I rolled over on my side (twice!). It scared me though and then I started crying. I like tummy time but I get frustrated because I want to hold my head up and crawl. Mom says "not so fast kiddo" and then mutters something about not having childproofed the house yet....she is crazy. Doesn't she know I will get into stuff anyways?

Happy Anniversary!

4 years ago today we were married. Wow! It seems like yesterday. I am so grateful every day of the marriage we have and now of our newest addition to our family. We are so very lucky. Little Miss Parker has just heard the story of how we met and I reassured her that she will find her Prince Charming one day too. Though it will be hard for him to measure up to her father.

Happy Anniversary Michael.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Welcome Parker Elizabeth Stewart

Born November 30th at 5:11 pm.....6 lbs, 1 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. We were totally not expecting her arrival this early but are blessed she is here and in good health. We are biased but we think she is the most beautiful baby in the world. We are doing well adjusting to the change of parenthood. Parker particularly likes the wee hours of the morning to awaken and not go back to sleep in her bassinet but be held so we are adjusting to not much sleep. She is already exerting her confidence and strength by lifting her head off my chest or mat and wants to lift it higher and gets frustrated. I can already envision her walking days....I think I have it hard now I can't wait till she can walk around and get into everything. I am sure I will have plenty of more pictures to post as I get a chance in between feedings and naps. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Santa came early to our household.