Parker has just now (finally) noticed the rainforest animals abover her head when she is in her swing. This obviously has added to her enjoyment of the swing (much to her mother's happiness, the bouncy seat was getting old). Here is a picture of her enjoying the animals.
Also, she is really holding her head up in "tummy time". See picture below. I also put my hands against her feet today and she "scooted" forward. Now if I can get her to use her arms too she will be crawling all over the place (note to self: vaccuum the floors really really good and put up all the junk still out from the move before crawling begins). She got really frustrated being on her stomach and not being able to roll over and crawl. It was sooooo cute.
House news:
We have shutters up (yippie). I am certain the neighbors are excited as now they are not subjected to seeing us walk around the house (ya know, post baby figure and all). Michael jumped in and got the pantry started this weekend. We just have to finish staining the boards and securing them to the metal brackets. It is a HUGE space...sigh, I am sure I will find a way to cram it full of stuff :)
We also rearranged the living room and it feels much better in there. Got our photos out and our Willow Tree figurines so it is starting to feel like home.
Next on the list is to finish the pantry, hang our pictures/artwork, and paint the foyer and hall.