Sunday, April 29, 2007

Weekend happenings

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weekend. Parker and I spent Saturday morning at my office working (Parker slept, mom worked).  Once she woke up, we headed over to Warehouse Row so I could get some new shorts (seems for some reason my old ones don't fit, hmmm).  Then we met up with Michael who had been at a partner "retreat" for the morning and headed off to the National Cornbread Festival.  We had a good time walking around to see the arts and crafts and enjoyed some yummy fried food of Chicken fingers, fries AND a fried moon pie (no wonder my shorts don't fit, now my new ones probably don't either).  Today we have been busy around the house. I priced most of the yard sale items and Michael cut down our yard that looked like a jungle. It looks a lot better but we have a ways to go getting the yard whipped up into shape. 

Parker got a new toy last weekend.  We are such suckers for marketing and wanting Parker to have things that look like fun to us.  So, we got her the Fisher Price Jumper seat that matches her swing and bouncy seat with the jungle theme.  She is so short her feet don't touch the floor yet so we had to put a pillow under her so she could "jump".  She loves it.  Lots of fun little things for her to play with and it plays music, makes jungle sounds, and lights up.  Her first word is likely to be an elephant noise or monkey noise since all of her big toys make them.  Here are a couple of pictures.



Friday, April 20, 2007

A Presedential Welcome

Is this not too neat?  You can go on-line to and request a card from the President and First Lady welcoming your bundle of joy (or special occasions like 50th wedding anniversary, special b-days, etc).  Here is Parker's note from President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush (can't tell if these are real signatures or a copy...probably a copy)...


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fun photos

Dsc_4157_003_2 Hope everyone had a good weekend.  We had a nice relaxing one playing with Parker and getting caught up on chores around the house.  Here are some pictures from today.  I could not resist buying more gerber daisies...its so cold and gloomy outside we needed a spring reminder.

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mmmm...Rice Cereal

This morning we added something new to the routine....solid food.  We are starting out on rice cereal.  I thinned it out and we tried this morning to see how Parker would take to it. She seemed to really like it and when she was ready to finish, she let ya know.  Here are some pictures from this morning.  She is to cute.  Grammy, she loves her highchair!

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a good Easter. Here are some photos from the weekend.  Parker was baptized and she loved all the attention...


And here I am...walking:


What are these???  Feet????  Never seen them from this angle before...
