Sorry there have not been any updates in months. Here's a quick rundown of all our goings on:
- Bathroom is finished....yippie. Parker loves the new big bath tub but is not too sure about the jets
- Michael officially pulled off the rebirth of the Chattanooga Area Soap Box Derby in Chattanooga and the two winners spent a week in Akron, OH preparing to compete against the world's best. Ethan (stock) lost his first heat down and Kurt (super stock) won his first heat but then was taking out his second trip down the hill. Plans are ensuing for next year's race.
- Parker is growing like a weed. She is walking, running, and talking. She has mastered lots of words and now will repeat what she hears (no potty mouths here anymore). She thinks she is about 10 and loves to run around with the big kids. We have to fight to keep her in her stroller and she is now starting to fuss about the car seat. We officially moved her out of the high chair and she now sits on a booster seat with us at the table.
- Russell (My brother), got a job with TVA at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant as an operator trainee and he has been staying with us during the week while in class until he and his wife find a place to live. Parker has enjoyed being around her uncle and she likes it when her Aunt Katie comes to visit too.
- We spent a week at Myrtle Beach earlier this summer with the Stewart side of the family. Parker loved running around on the beach and thankfully she did find the water entertaining until the next to the last day so we only spent one day having to constantly run after her as she wanted to plunge into the ocean.
- I got a promotion at work and am now the Site HR Manager. This has been a great opportunity but has been very stressful. I am looking forward to settling in my new position.
- And how can I forget to mention the TWO bats we have had visit us this summer. The first one woke me up at 2 am as it rummaged through our bedroom.....not a good thing to wake up to. We had to have it captured and tested for rabies to ensure we were safe. The second bat came to visit last Sunday in the evening. It decided it would like to fly around the downstairs.....well, it messed with the wrong family. No capturing this one, it went to bat heaven. We had him sent off for testing too and no rabies. We are now having our house bat proofed to ensure we have no future visitors.
Well, this about sums about the past few months for us. I will leave you with some much needed pics and I intend to be better about posting updates.