We have SNOW! Hoping to get Parker wrapped up soon and out to play for a few minutes in the snow so perhaps we will have more pictures soon.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Because of this...
We have SNOW! Hoping to get Parker wrapped up soon and out to play for a few minutes in the snow so perhaps we will have more pictures soon.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of good eats. We had a great time with Michael's sister and her family...only flop of the day was the Hungry Girl Pumpkin Pie. It was TERRIBLE. Should have known anything with a Fiber One crust was going to taste like $%#@. Oh well. We had a good apple pie to rescue the day.
Here is Chase before dinner
Thanks to Aunt Mimi for the cute Turkey Day outfit
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgivig Warning
So, if your husband likes eggnog and you have a nice big carton of egg beaters in the fridge for your holiday baking, it might be a good thing to warn him it is not eggnog or move it to the back of the fridge. You never know when one unobservant husband (i.e. all husbands) may look in the fridge for something to drink and get a nice big gulp of egg beaters they thought looked like eggnog. YUCK, but oh so funny afterward; not that I would know first hand because of course my husband would never be this unobservant :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I will post pictures of the kids later today.
Monday, November 23, 2009
8 Weeks old today...
and getting big! Look at him with his owl 4 weeks ago and then with him today.
He thinks I am an all day buffett, looks like we need to slow it down a bit or he is going to be as big as the chair in a year. Luckily he is sleeping about 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours a night now. Thank god for whoever invented the baby swing as that is what he is sleeping in. My motto these days is "whatever works". I'll worry about how to get him down in a bed later.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Today my wonderful husband and Parker and Chase's Dad turned 36. We had a fun day of good cake, good breakfast at IHOP, some shopping at the mall, good Donuts from the NEW Dunkin Donuts, and some good time hanging out at home. Here are some pictures...
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
4 Weeks Old
Wow. Time flies. Chase is now 9 pounds, 2 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He is growing at a good rate. He had a check up this morning and all is well. He also got a shot for Hepatitis B. More shots next month...he was not a fan of the shot. I don't blame him. He still sleeps a lot but is becoming more alert in the mornings. I am going to start an evening routine with him tonight to start working on getting him to understand what bedtime is and to work on having him sleep without me holding him. He has slept the past 3 nights in the bed with me and I did not have to hold him so I am hoping we can move to the bassinett next.
Here is a picture of him with his owl from his room. I will try my best to take a picture each month of him with the owl so we can see how he is growing.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Clean Bill of Health
Monday, October 12, 2009
Two Weeks Old
Chase is now 2 weeks old and the time is flying by. He got to meet his cousin, Colt, last week and we enjoyed the time visiting with Russell and Katie. Unfortunately, later that evening, Chase decided to spike a 101.8 fever and we went to the ER of the children's hospital here. Chase had to have all kinds of tests (even a spinal tap, not fun) and had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours. He had great nurses and got lots of attention. All of the tests have come back negative so far so they think it was a viral infection. His temp finally has come back down and we are enjoying being at home. We visit the pediatrician again tomorrow for a check up but I expect it to be a good visit.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
One week old
The week has flown by. Chase visited the pediatrician yesterday for a check up and all is going well. He weighs 6 lbs 15 oz, up 2 ounces since birth and up 9 ounces from his lowest weight at the hospital. I had a setback with nursing Saturday morning and so I fed him by the bottle for Saturday but by Sunday was ready to give the nursing thing a try again, it is getting better. Definitely easier in the middle of the night than going to get a bottle, washing it, etc.
Parker is still pretty excited about the new addition. She told us she announced to her friend at school that she has a little brother and she was real excited as she told us the story. She got her hair cut this weekend and the lady asked if she could have Chase and Parker said no, not even for a lollipop, good sign. Check back in 5 years and we will see what she says then. She likes to help me get stuff for the baby and loves to look at him and rub his head. We did some tummy time with him last night and she loved that. She got to see him raise his head and turn it to the other side. He has a strong little neck.
Here is a picture of Chase at one week old, relaxing in his bouncy seat.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Chase Michael Stewart
Born at 7:54
6 lbs 13 oz
19 inches
Mom and baby doing great. Parker so far is pretty enamored with him. Here are a couple of pictures.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Football and Ice Cream
Here's Michael and Parker gearing up for football season and enjoying ice cream. Soon we will be able to eat this on the back deck that will be screened in...Michael is screening now.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Quiet weekend (one of the last) before baby #2
Barnsley Gardens Resort ( http://www.barnsleyresort.com/) was where we chose to spend a quiet weekend this past weekend. It was a very unique place and one that I would highly recommend. I got a prenatal massage (wow, how relaxing) and we explored the property on our rented golf cart and hung out by the pool...it was soooo nice.
Here are some pictures.
Where we stayed...isn't it cute?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
5 Week Countdown
Only 5 weeks left until Baby # 2 will make his arrival. We are trying to get all our open ended projects completed. Michael is staining the deck as I type this and over Labor Day he will get it screened in. Next weekend we are taking a short trip to Barnsley Gardens for some rest and relaxation before the baby comes. I had a second 4D ultrasound Friday and all is well. Here are some pictures from the session...
Sunday, August 02, 2009
3-D Pictures of Baby #2
Here is a 3 D pictures of Baby #2....he is doing well and weighs 3lbs 3 oz. Only 8 more weeks to go.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Nursery Almost Ready
If we had a baby today we would be ready to welcome him home in style. We worked on getting the nursery set up this weekend and taking stock of what we else we need to get before the little one arrives. Parker had a lot of fun playing with all the toys and using them with her baby doll so she is ready for her brother and can now operate all the equipment. She even got in the crib and wound up the mobile. LIke my sister in law, Kelly, said, we will need lots of batteries thanks to Parker playing with everything all the time.
Here are some pictures. Just need to hang a few items on the wall and we are ready....
Sunday, July 05, 2009
So it has been forever since I posted....here is a little update on the latest with the Stewart's.
- Baby #2 is a BOY! We are excited if a little nervous about a boy. Parker not sure what to expect. She loved playing with her new cousin Blake at the beach.
- We enjoyed a lovely time at Myrtle Beach about a week ago...Parker loved the sand, surf, and baby pool (and the kiddie rides at Broadway on the Beach)
- We cleaned out our attic this weekend to get all the baby gear down and make room to put our guest room items so we can get the baby's room ready (Man, Parker had a lot of clothes...mental note, they can only wear so much)
- Parker watched a July 4th parade (Mom and Dad were in it with the derby car)
- Parker enjoyed playing in the pool on the back porch
- Parker does not like fireworks, too loud. She lied when she told me in the car she would not "freak" out...she did.
That wraps it up for the most part. Just getting the guest room cleaned out and ready for Baby #2....we are going to get the furniture picked up next weekend so I may have some pictures to show off of the room...we have the bedding and accessories ready to go. He has lots of clothes too already (thanks to the Carter's outlet).
Hope all is well and I will try and post more in the coming weeks!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Is it a Girl or Not?
So, baby number 2 is going to be the uncooperative type...how can I tell? Today we went to the doctor for a check up and this was the visit where we were supposed to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. However, baby number 2 decided to keep their leggs shut tight and only offer up a possibility that it is a girl....that is the doctor's guess. So, back in two weeks to see if we will have a more cooperative child. I will remember to drink a coke right before next time.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
A Day Out with Thomas (the tank engine)
Despite the pouring down rain (and no umbrella against my better judgement), we enjoyed a ride on Thomas this morning. It was Parker's first train ride and she had fun.
On the way, the excitement builds:
Riding the train:
Saying goodbye to Thomas:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My secret is that...
I am not sure what all the fuss is about, though I do like mom's doctor...he gave me a sucker Monday. However, I think he was trying to bribe me into being excited about this little stinker's arrival. I am not sure about that yet. Mom is doing well though tired. Baby Stewart not due until October 8th so we are not very far along. The doctor also said the baby looks like me but I have no idea how he could tell that from this...how is this even a baby for goodness sakes.
Mom goes back to the doctor on March 2nd for another ultrasound and check up. And no, Mom and Dad say that they are not telling ANYONE (that includes you Grammy) what the name is once picked out, so don't ask.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Parker says
That she cannot wait to share with you so check back tommorrow to see what it is (and no Mom, you cannot call me to get it out of me before then).
Friday, January 30, 2009
Parker Update
With all the meal planning, coupon cutting, money saving endeavors of late, I have been remiss in posting an update about Parker for the grandparents, aunts, and uncles, etc.
She has been busy as a bee playing with all her new Christmas toys. She especially likes playing with her new kitchen and her baby dolls. Her vocabulary is getting bigger and bigger everyday and she says please and thank you. She helps me feed the cat after work and gets mad if I do it first. Oh how I hope she always wants to be so helpful. She thinks she is 30 so we have to remind her she is 2. As I write this, she is trying to figure out how to open the front door, NICE.
Here are some recent pictures:
Yes, I am one of those parents who lets my kid veg out in front of TV. Don't worry, she does not sit still for long.
Look at me Pap, I have a pink conductors hat.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
Last week was a little crazy so we ended up not following most of our meal plan. We were out of town Fri and Satuday nights so I have those meals saved up for later.
Here is what is on tap for this week:
Monday-left overs
Tuesday-Spaghetti (moving this to Tues this week since I have an after work meeting Monday and we have leftovers from Sunday)
Wednesday-Chicken Teriyaki, rice, and brocoli
Thursday-White Chili
Friday-Pizza Hut (we have a $5.99 coupon)
Saturday-Fiesta Chicken Pasta
Sunday- Slow cooker Cheeseburger soup
Hope you all have something yummy planned to eat this week!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Focus: Being more Fiscally Responsible and CVS
So, in an effort to be more fiscally conscious this year, I have been looking at the sales and clipping/printing coupons. I am stockpiling items we need/use when they are on sale versus paying full price. Of course, before I embark on something I have to research it until the cows come home. And I have hit the motherload of advice on how to save money....it is like a cult out there on saving money at CVS, Walgreens, Publix, etc. I did my first purchase at CVS today using my new knowledge...I felt like the coupon police were going to come after me when I first went in but once I only spent $2.30 on my items, I was hit with a rush and cannot wait to save some more.
SO, look at what I got for only $2.30 out of pocket (oop):
My Home Ec and 4-H teachers would be oh so proud of me. Here's the lowdown:
The CVS allergy tablets were $3.79 but you get an extra care buck (ECB) of $3.79 back=FREE
The St. Ives was on sale for $2.99 but I had a $2 off coupon from the internet=- $.99
The V-day Cards were $.99 a piece but if you buy 3 American Greetings cards, you got $3 in ECB back=FREE
The Johnson and Johnson Buddies Soaps were $1.19 but I had a $3.00/3 coupon making them $.19 apiece= $.57
The Kleenex is on sale for $.99 and I had a $.25 coupon=$.74
On top of all of that, I got a $5 off on $15 coupon on the bottom of my receipt. I have $10.58 in ECB to use the next time I go in and I had a $10 ECB that I used on this above transaction so I really saved some moola.
I had other purchases to make but I needed the Throat Coolers to be in stock (you get one at 4.99 and you get 4.99 back in EC's and I have 5 B1G1 coupons) so once those come in Thursday, I will be back to get them and to use my ECB's earned to buy the Pepsi and Cover Girl deal and I will come home from those purchases with another $13.00in ECB's to use in the future
The best way to make all these deals happen is to use your ECB on purchasing other items where you get an ECB back, and to of course only buy things you will use or can give away as gifts or as a donation. There are some great deals out there for free where you can stuff for your favorite charity of choice.
Here are some resources I have found super helpful:
Money Saving Mom-insight on great deals, lists and links to CVS and Wal Green scenarios and links to printable internet coupons. She has all kinds of links that will take you to other great resources.
Coupon Mom: Great description of how to save money in her free e-books, excellent message board and she matches up the weekly sales to the coupons in the paper so you can keep track of all this mess easily and she will e-mail them to you based on your store preferences.
Hope this helped get some of you motivated to try your hand at saving a buck!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
I am so loving this meal planning....we did pretty good last week except Michael went out of town so I splurged on Wed and Fri with Parker. We had McDonalds Wednesday and Dominos Friday but I had not put our food out to thaw yet so I still have Taco Chicken Packs and Bruschetta Chicken in the freezer for another night. I ate left overs on Thursday so all the food for the week was maximized.
Stay tuned for another post this week on maximizing your savings at CVS...all I can say is WOW, where have I been.
OK for this week, we are having:
Sunday: Slow Cooker Lasagna (this was supper easy and supper yummy)
Monday: Leftovers (switching it up this week bc we have so much left in the fridge to get rid of from the weekend: Taco soup and the lasagna)
Tuesday: Spaghetti
Wednesday: Taco Bake
Thursday: BBQ Chicken, green beans, and wild rice
Friday: Calzones
Saturday: Sweet and Sour Meatballs, rice, and brocolli
Sunday: Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken Soup
Slow Cooker Lasagna:
1 lb uncooked lean ground beef
1 sm onion, chopped
1 medium garlic clove, minced
28 oz can of crushed tomatoes
15 oz can tomato sauce
1 tsp salt
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp basil
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 cup part skim ricotta cheese
1 1/2 cup part skim mozarella cheese shredded, divided
6 no cook lasagna noodles
1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
Heat large nonstick skillet and brown the onions, garlic and ground beef. Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce, oregano, basil, red pepper and simmer 5 minutes. Meanwhile, stir together mozarella and ricotta cheese. Spoon 1/3 of the beef mixture into the crock pot, layer 3 lasagna noodles on top, add the cheese mixture and repeat. Cover slow cooker and cook on low 4 to 6 hours. Remove cover; turn off heat, and season to taste. In a small bowl, combine the remaining 1/2 cup mozarella cheese and the 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, sprinkle over beef mixture. Cover and set aside until cheese melts and lasagna is firmed up. About 10 minutes.
Note: I left out the Ricotta cheese and it was still yummy.
Mexican Chicken Soup
1 1/2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breast cut into 1/2 inch pieces
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 cups water
1 15 oz can of black beans, rinsed and drained
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes and green chile peppers, undrained
1 tsp ground cumin
sour cream (optional)
crushed tortilla chips (optional)
Brown chicken in skilet coated with cooking spay and transfer to slow cooker. In a bowl, combine the soup, water, beans, undrained tomatoes, and cumin. Pour over chicken in slow cooker. Cover and cook on low about 6 hours. Ladle into bowls and top with sour cream and chips.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Plans for the New Year
So I am a little late in blogging about this but I wanted to take a minute to share my plans for the new year (ya know, you write it down and it might happen but if you tell people than it has a better chance of happening).
Ali Edwards, Life Artist (ala scrap-booker) extraordinarie, has a word for each year and she challenges her readers to get a word too...you can read about it here. So, I chose my word and it is
What do I plan to do with this word, well....
I plan to focus on ME, FAMILY, HOME, and CAREER
Some things I am looking at focusing on specifically are is to:
live Greener (recycle, change our light bulbs to fluorescent compact, reduce our waste by consuming less, etc)
live more Fiscally Responsible (buy things on sale and become a coupon/sale strategist (I am already seeing a return here, I have saved about $100 already on groceries by planning ahead and shopping sale items), institute a budget (we already have given ourselves a $20 limit a week per person on incidentals), SAVE, SAVE and SAVE some more, and shoot for one no spend month this year (meaning no spending on incidentals and crap)
Focus on Balance at work/home (leave work by 4:30 so I can get Parker on time and a bit early, TIME MANAGEMENT, focus on the priorities at work and look for ways to delegate/change site needs)
Focus on the family (family fun night, creating memories for Parker instead of buying "stuff", look for teachable moments for Parker)
Of course there is the usual focus on things like eating healthier, moving more and I also want to focus on my time where I can relax or scrapbook, etc.
I am excited about this year ahead. Parker is growing like a weed and becoming a contributor to our family and is becoming really fun to talk to. I know she will present us with many challenges this year and I hope our Focus can remain on being patient and creating a learning opportunity for all of us from the crazy times. I expect Michael to have a great year this year too with the derby gearing up and being even better than last year. So here is to a GREAT 2009!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
Here is this week's meal plan:
Sunday: Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Roll Ups- (not sure where I got this so I apologize for not giving credit where credit is due)-recipe below
Monday- Double Cheese Chili (from last week's post since we did not eat it on Saturday)
Tuesday: Leftovers (Probably the Spaghetti we should have eaten Monday
Wednesday: Foil Pack Taco Chicken, broccoli, yellow rice
Thursday: Bruschetta Chicken with salad ( I do make one change to the recipe in that I let the chicken marinate in italian dressing first to give this more flavor)
Friday: Deep Dish Pizza Casserole-WW style (recipe below)
Saturday: Taco Soup
Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Roll Ups: 6 servings
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook time: 7 to 8 hours on low, or 3 to 4 hours on high
1/2 C plus 2 TBSP all purpose flour, divided
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 lbs chicken breast, cut into 2 or 3 strips
2 TBSP butter
1 C Chicken Broth
1 small onion, diced
1/4 to 1/2 C jalapeno peppers, sliced
2 TBSP whipping cream or milk
6 (7 to 8 inch) flour tortillas
6 slices American cheese or Amercian cheese with jalapeno peppers
Cut each chicken into 2 to 3 strips. Combine 1/2 cup flour and salt in resealable bag. Add chicken strips and coat. Melt butter in large skillet over medium heat. Brown chicken strips in batches and then place in slow cooker.
Add chicken broth to skillet and scrape remaining browned bits. Pour broth mixture into slow cooker. Add onion, jalapeno pepper and oregano. Cover, cook on Low 7 to 8 hours or high 3 to 4 hours.
Blend remaining 2 TBSP flour and cream in small bowl until smooth. Stir into chicken mixture. Cook, uncovered on high for 15 mins or until thickened. Spoon chicken mixture onto center of tortillas and top with 1 cheese slice. Fold and serve.
Deep Dish Pizza Casserole:
1 pound ground round
1 15 oz can chunky italian style tomato sauce
cooking spray
1 10 oz can refrigerated pizza crust dough
6 1-oz slices of part-skim mozarella cheese, divided
Pre-heat oven to 425. Cook meat in medium skillet, over medium heat until browned. Drain. Return to skillet and add tomato sauce and cook until heated. While meat cooks, coat a 13X9 pan with cooking spray. Unroll pizza dough and press into bottom and halfway up sides. Line bottom of crust with 3 slices of cheese. Top with meat mixture. Bake uncovered at 425 for 12 minutes. Top with remaining cheese and bake 5 additional minutes.
Parker is in the News!
Take a look at the picture below....Parker and her classmates were in the paper yesterday from taking a walk while at school. It was an article discussing how cold it plans to get this next week. Parker and I took a walk this morning and it was snowing. Parker would not wear her gloves so she was complaining that her hands hurt by the time we got home. We made it all better with some hot chocolate :)
I will be posting tomorrow our meal plan for the week. I am happy to report that I did not eat OUT once this week and we stuck to the plan, except Saturday but it was because we were at a birthday party for Lucas. I sitll made the chili and now we have it to also eat this week. I also lost 4 pounds this week, guess there is something to be said for eating at home is healthier. I also ate green beans this week, TWICE. Amazing, I know (Mom, don't keel over). I had the Green Giant Steamers, and they are good, especially with italian dressing.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
So while off work I took some time to get us organized in terms of what we will eat for the month of January. I also have started delving into the world of coupons and paying attention to store sales. I found an on-line resource called Coupon Mom. There is loads of info here and a message board...kind of addicting. I already saved some crazy money on chicken and roast at Bi-Lo (like my total before sales was $65.00 and after using my bonus card, it was only $30). Not bad for a first timer. OK, so I digress. Here is our meal plan for the week in case anyone needs ideas out there...
Sunday- Slow Cooker Salsa Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Monday- Spaghetti and salad (courtesy of my "Nana". She cooked spaghetti every Monday night. I used to think this was such an odd tradition...now, I get it. It is an easy way to start the week. I've got 5 weeks of saghetti sauce mixed with ground beef in the freezer...)
Tuesday- Left Overs
Wednesday- Tortilla Soup (from Kraftfoods.com-subscribe to their free magazine...it is awesome.
Thursday- Shortcut Salsa Chicken, brocolli, yellow rice
Friday- Calzones and salad
Saturday- Double Cheese Chili
Sunday, January 04, 2009
The Holidays are Over...
but we had a great time. I basically took 2 weeks off of work and had a wonderful time with Parker and the rest of my family. Michael's parents were here for about a week and his sister, brother in law, and our nephew joined us the day after Christmas. We had a quiet New Years at home but I did cook a nice meal and we watched the ball drop (Parker was asleep). Michael got a Wii for his birthday so we have been enjoying bowling and tennis and I even figured out how to download Super Mario Brothers (old school style) and we have been playing that (a lot!). We enjoyed spending time with my grandmother this last weekend and she had a good time playing with Parker. It is back to the swing of things tomorrow for Parker and I are going back to work and school. Here are some pictures from the holidays..