With all the meal planning, coupon cutting, money saving endeavors of late, I have been remiss in posting an update about Parker for the grandparents, aunts, and uncles, etc.
She has been busy as a bee playing with all her new Christmas toys. She especially likes playing with her new kitchen and her baby dolls. Her vocabulary is getting bigger and bigger everyday and she says please and thank you. She helps me feed the cat after work and gets mad if I do it first. Oh how I hope she always wants to be so helpful. She thinks she is 30 so we have to remind her she is 2. As I write this, she is trying to figure out how to open the front door, NICE.
Here are some recent pictures:
Yes, I am one of those parents who lets my kid veg out in front of TV. Don't worry, she does not sit still for long.
Look at me Pap, I have a pink conductors hat.
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