Tuesday, January 23, 2007

5 hours

Wow!  Parker slept from 12 am to 5:15 am this morning.   I made Michael go and check on her around 5 as I realized I had not heard her in a while and got worried and I could not be the one to peek in.  She was starting to wake up and had slid down in the bassinet to get extra cozy.  They technically say that sleeping from 12-5 is considered sleeping through the night :)  My body did not know what to think of 5 hours of sleep at a time so I woke feeling like I had a hangover (does not help that I have a cold).  However, I am very glad to have gotten 5 whole hours of sleep.  I hope this is a trend.  She also slept from 5-8:30 pm earlier in the evening so I was actually able to get a decent dinner together and Michael and I were able to eat in peace (She usually senses when Mama is eating and wakes up and is fussy as she thinks she should be eating too).

On another note, we go for her 2 month check up today and she will get some shots so the rest of my day is probably going to be spent consoling a fussy baby.   I will post an update of her appt when I get a minute. 

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